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Inauguration of NAMAS, Aero Samrudhi and Aero Nova Programs | 32nd Convocation | 70th Year Celebration of Noorul Islam Educational Trust, 16th Year of Deemed University Status and Inauguration of the Academic Session 2024-25 |
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The world is fast changing in the field of knowledge. Educational opportunities and effective skilling are the need of the hour. Quality education that addresses the needs of the industry and that enhances employability demands re-engineering the whole system of higher education.

Our University is thus committed to and becoming innovative and keeps rapid advancements in science and technology; including the emergence of Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. A good educational environment is one where every student is made to feel welcome and cared for, where a stimulating and safe learning environment exists, where a range of learning opportunities are offered, and where all students have access to resources that are appropriate for learning as well as adequate physical infrastructure.

To become a socially responsible and culturally sensitive country that upholds liberty, equality, fraternity, and justice for everyone as envisioned by its Constitution, India must invest heavily in higher education. The nation's ability to maintain living standards and build its economy depends on the nature of higher education. As India transitions to a knowledge economy and society, more Indian youth are likely to pursue higher education.

High-quality higher education should foster individual success and enlightenment as well as constructive civic engagement and beneficial social contribution. The abilities needed for more meaningful occupations and lifestyles should be provided to our young generation.

A comprehensive and multidisciplinary education would allow a person to fully develop his/her intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, emotional and moral potentials. We plan accordingly and which will assist in developing well-rounded persons with crucial 21st century skills in the humanities, social sciences, professional, technical, and vocational domains, as well as in the arts and sciences. Our University engages in a comprehensive educational policy which will eventually be used in all undergraduate and Post graduate programmes, including those in professional, technical, and vocational sectors. By giving access to high-quality education, our nation's abundant resources and talents can be developed and put to use for the best interests of each individual, society, the country, and the world.

Prof. Dr. K.A. Janardhanan, Ph.D.(Mgt), Ph.D.(Pub. Admin)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Administration)
Mob: +919486856100
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