Pongal is the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu, celebrated on the first day of ‘Thai’ (Tamil month). It usually falls on the 14th or 15th of January in the English calendar. NICHE celebrated Pongal on the 12th of January for the year 2024. The students arrived in traditional dhotis and sarees to mark the occasion. The University gathered to celebrate pongal with their respective departments with the supervision of the staff members of the university. It was an ambience filled revelry, music, dance and the joyful faces reverberated with big smiles. Each department was allocated a spot for their celebration inside the university campus. Pongal was prepared by the department staff and students. As the milk came up to the brim of the pot, boiled water and milk overflowed and the crowd cooed 'pongalo pongal' to express oneness. The soaked rice and dhal was poured into the boiling milk and water. Meanwhile there were other activities conducted. Sweet Pongal and sugarcanes were distributed to all the students. The 'uri adithal' a traditional game where people are blindfolded and are asked to hit a mud pot hanging from a rope with a rod. Everybody left home with memories as it was yet another joyous celebration NICHE had to offer.