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32nd Convocation | 70th Year Celebration of Noorul Islam Educational Trust, 16th Year of Deemed University Status and Inauguration of the Academic Session 2024-25 |

NICHE Research

Funded Projects

  • Faculty: Dr. Vennila H
    Title: "A Rural Women Empowerment using solar based sewing machines"
    Name of the Agency: TNSCST
    Duration: 2 days
    Amount: 17.500
  • Faculty: Dr. Vennila H
    Title: "A Noval battery Management System for Electric Vehicles"
    Name of the Agency: TNSCST
    Duration: 6 Months
    Amount: 7500
  • Faculty: Dr.H.Vennila
    Title: "Awareness and Maintenance of using Electric Vehicles and their Bene?ts "
    Name of the Agency: TNSCST
    Duration: 2days Programme
    Amount: 50,000
  • Faculty: Dr. Praseetha. P.K
    Title: "Scientific aspects on the role of traditional phytomedicines in the management of snake bites by ethnic tribal population in Tamil nadu- A promising herbal validation"
    Name of the Agency: DST-SHRI
    Duration: 2 years
    Amount: 1,16,70,560
  • Faculty: Praseetha.P.K
    Title: "Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions"
    Name of the Agency: DST
    Duration: 5 years
    Amount: 77 lakhs
  • Faculty: Praseetha.P.K
    Title: "Microwave assisted one step green synthesis of Carbon Quantum dots for wound healing applications"
    Name of the Agency: TNSCST
    Duration: 1.5 years
    Amount: 3,31,000
  • Faculty: Dr. Aneesh Nair
    Title: "Integrated Rhizhosphere microbiomics and phytopharmacology based fingerprinting approach towards mangrove conservation in Tamil Nadu"
    Name of the Agency: Government of Tamil Nadu - Forest Department
    Duration: 1 years
    Amount: Rs. 7.84 lakhs
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