News Update:
70th Year Celebration of Noorul Islam Educational Trust, 16th Year of Deemed University Status and Inauguration of the Academic Session 2024-25
Dr. Alan Gowri Phivin V
Dr. Alan Gowri Phivin V

Assistant Professor


Educational Details
Degree Course Name College Name Year
B.Sc Physics Holy Cross College, Nagercoil 1996
MCA Computer Applications Madurai Kamaraj University College, Madurai 2000
MPhil Computer Science Madurai Kamaraj University 2005
From Date To Date Position College Name
2006-08-24 2010-08-31 Lecture Noorul Islam College of Engineering
2010-09-01 Assistant Professor Noorul Islam centre for Higher Education
Journal Publications
Journal Title Authors Journal Name Year
Image Clustering and Retrieval using LTCoP Similarity Measures V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2019
Time Conserving CBIR System for Fabric Images based on Color and Texture Features V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2019
Performance Analysis of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering using Multichannel Decoded Local Binary Pattern V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 2018
Reliable CBIR System for Fabric Images Based on NSCT and LDP features V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2018
Books Published
Book Name ISBN Publisher
Patent Title Year
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