News Update:
32nd Convocation | 70th Year Celebration of Noorul Islam Educational Trust, 16th Year of Deemed University Status and Inauguration of the Academic Session 2024-25 |
Dr. Praseetha. P.K
Dr. Praseetha. P.K

Professor & HOD


Educational Details
Degree Course Name College Name Year
Ph. D Biotechnology Kerala University 2010
M.Sc Marine Biotechnology M.S. University 2001
NET Life Sciences CSIR 2004
From Date To Date Position College Name
2001-12-12 2004-11-12 Junior Research Fellow Kerala University
2006-02-08 2010-02-06 Lecturer Noorul Islam College of Arts and Sciences
2010-02-07 2013-01-05 Assistant Professor Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education
2014-01-01 2018-01-01 Associate Professor and Head Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education
2018-01-01 0 Professor and Head Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education
Journal Publications
Journal Title Authors Journal Name Year
Biocompatible nanocomposite for scaffolds in tissue engineering: A breakthrough discovery for regenerative therapy P. K. Praseetha, Princy Alexander, Lekshmi Gangadhar, Saranyadevi Subburaj, D. J. Mukesh Kumar, Saad Aldawood, T. Selvankumar, S. Vijayakumar Polym Adv Technol 2024
Vermiwash-mediated synthesis of molybdenum doped TiO2 nanoparticles: Evaluation of photocatalytic and biomedical properties K. Ravichandran, S. Suvathi, M. Ayyanar, P. Kavitha, P.K. Praseetha J. of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2024
Biowastes derived enzyme powered Zinc oxide and Titanium oxide nanomaterials synthesis for photocatalytic activity S. Suvathi, K. Ravichandran, M. Karunakaran, P.K. Praseetha, M. Ayyanar, S. Gobalakrishnan Applied Materials Today 2024
Phytochemical stimulants for cancer therapeutics from Garcinia gummi gutta: A prime research report B.V. Vibala, P.K. Praseetha and S. Vijayakumar Gene report 2024
Effective composite partnering of green synthesized rGO with SnO2: Ce: An ecofriendly approach using Cassia fistula fruit pulp for photocatalytic and biomedical applications. M. Varshini, K. Ravichandran, P.K. Praseetha, M. Ayyanar, S. J. Ramalingam, A. viji and R. Manimekalai Ceramics International 2024
Assessment of de-toxicity of treated dye solution via seed germination test: Photocatalytic treatment by Morinda citrifolia leaf extract mediated ZnO: Mo/g-C3N4 nanocomposite A. Sudha, I. Manimehan, R. Shalini, M. Varshini, K. Ravichandran, M. Ayyanar, P.K. Praseetha, D. Saravanakkumar Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2024
The environmentally sustainable approach of Xenobiotics through the utilization of microbes and their by product: A review Praseetha P K*, Birhanu Debesay, Sakthivel G, Surya Prakash D.V, Desta B. Sbhatu ,T. Mohammad Munawar African Journal of Biological Sciences 2024
The Impact of Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Formation Through Green Synthesis from Plants and Microbes: A Thorough Analysis Praseetha P K , G. Sakthivel , Nirmal Kumar Devarajan , Shyni M , Surya Prakash D V , T. Mohammad Munawar Nanotechnology Perceptions 2024
Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone capped luminescent ZnO nanocomposites asexcellent tools for germicidal and photocatalytic performances Praseetha P.K*., S. Vijayakumar, E. Vidhya, Mohammad Ahmad Wadaan, R. Mythili, s. Prathipkumar Luminescence 2024
Earthworm excrete derived-enzyme enriched SnO2/g-C3N4 nanocomposite for near complete decomposition of toxic dye molecules K. Ravichandran, R. Shalini, P. Kavitha, P.K. Praseetha, S. Sriram, A. Viji , V. Sivaranjani Materials Chemistry and Physics 2024
Effect of pH of the precursor solution on the photocatalytic and biomedical applications of enzyme coupled ZnO and SnO2 nanomaterials: A comparative study Krishnasamy Ravichandran, Rajagopal Shalini, Muniappan Ayyanar, Pazhanisamy Kavitha, Mazabalo Baneto, Marimuthu Karunakaran, Prabhakaran Kala Praseetha, Katheresan Catherine Siriya Pushpa, Narayanamoorthi Anuradha Journal of Water Process Engineering 2023
Improved photocatalytic dye degradation and seed germination through enzyme-coupled titanium dioxide nanopowder- A cost effective approach Suvathi, S., Rathi R., Ravichandran K., Kavitha P., Ayyanar M., Praseetha P.K., and Chidambaram N Environmental research 2023
Sustainable Environmental-Based ZnO Nanoparticles Derived from Pisonia grandis for Future Biological and Environmental Applications Thiyakarajan Sutharappa Kaliyamoorthy, Vijayakumar Subramaniyan*, Sangeetha Renganathan, Vidhya Elavarasan, Jagatheesvaran Ravi, Praseetha Prabhakaran Kala, Prathipkumar Subramaniyan, Sekar Vijayakumar Sustainability 2023
Porous chitosan-infused Graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets for Potential microbicidal and photo-catalytic efficacies Praseetha P.K*, Anto Godwin M, Vijayakumar S, R. Sangeetha S. Prathipkumar International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023
Enhanced photocatalytic efficiencies in a bifunctional ZnO/PVA nanocomposites derived from Capparis zeylanica L. Prathipkumar Subramaniyan, Vijayakumar Subramaniyan, Sangeetha Renganathan, Vidhya Elavarasan, Mysoon M. Al-Ansari, Majdoleen Aldawsari, Praseetha Prabhakaran Kala, Woong Kim Environmental Research 2023
Enhanced ammonia gas sensing by cost-effective SnO2 gas sensor: Influence of effective Mo doping K. Gayathri, K. Ravichandran*, M. Sridharan, S. Suvathi, S. Sriram, R. Mohan, A. Jansi Santhosam, P.K. Praseetha, P. Sakthivel Materials Science and Engineering: B 2023
Biocatalyst coupling with Mo-doped SnO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic dye degradation: An eco-friendly approach for environmental remediation R. Shalini, K. Ravichandran, P. Kavitha, P. K. Praseetha, R. Mohan & P. Ravikumar Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 2023
Smart apparel using nano graphitic carbon nitride/PVA in a cotton cloth for military application Srimathi Krishnaswamy, Puspamitra Panigrahi, Praseetha Prabhakaran Kala, Sharon Sofini, Ganapathi Subramanian Nagarajan Heliyon 2022
Biocompatible and nuclear penetrating Carbon Quantum dots for photoresistive bioimaging applications in animal cell lines, P. K. Praseetha, Parvathy Chandran, Vasudevan Aruna Devi, Princy Alexander, Subramanian Vijayakumar Gene reports 2022
Cost-effective and eco-friendly dye degradation by enzyme-powered ZnO nanomaterial: effect of process temperature Ravichandran, K., Vasanthi, D.S., Kavitha, P., Suvathi, S., Praseetha, P.K. Bulletin of Materials Science 2022
Synergistic effect of La+Mo addition and optimum pH on the photocatalytic dye decomposition efficiency of spray pyrolyzed ZnO thin films Ravichandran K, Siva Jyothi N, Thirumurugan K, Chidambaram N, Dineshbabu N, Shalini R, Praseetha P.K, Ceramics International 2022
Bioengineered ZnO nanoparticles as a nano priming agent in Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L).Taub. to improve yield and disease resistance J. Rexlin, S. Vijayakumar, M. Nilavukkarasi, E. Vidhya, Nahed S. Alharthi, Maryium Sajjad, V. N. Punitha, P. K. Praseetha Applied Nanoscience 2022
Enhanced UV emissions in Polypyrrole/PVA composite for smart apparels Srimathi Krishnaswamy, Puspamitra Panigrahi, Praseetha Ramakrishnan, Sharon Sofini, Ganapathi Subramanian Nagarajan Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 2022
Tiny tots for a big-league in wound repair: Tools for tissue regeneration by nanotechniques of today Jari Litany and Praseetha P.K J. of Controlled Release 2022
Capparis zeylanica L. conjugated TiO2 nanoparticles as bio-enhancers for antimicrobial and chronic wound repair M. Nilavukkarasi, S. Vijayakumar, Mohan Kalaskar, Nilambari Gurav, Shailendra urav, P.K. Praseetha Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2022
Evaluation of Dasapushpagritham: An Ayurvedic formulation on L929 cell line through in vitro approach K. Sreedevy, P.K. Praseetha Gene reports 2022
Carbon Quantum dot induced hemolysis and anti-angiogenesis in proliferating cancers with Vitis vinifera as the source material Parvathy Chandran, Praseetha P.K Vegetos 2022
Fruit peels that unlock curative potential: Determination of biomedical applications and bioactive compounds V.N. Punitha, S. Vijayakumar, M. Nilavukkarasi, E. Vidhya and P.K. Praseetha South African journal of Botany 2022
Green Fabricated MgO nanoparticles as antimicrobial agent: Characterization and evaluation P. Vidhya, S. Vijayakumar, M. Nilavukkarasi, V.N. Punitha, S. Snega and P.K. Praseetha Materials Today: Proceedings 2021
Aloe vera conjugated natural carbon Quantum dots as Bio- enhancers to accelerate the repair of chronic wounds, Praseetha P.K*, Nijam Mohaideen, Vibala B.V., Sreedevy K and Vijayakumar Subramanian Industrial Crops and Products, 2021
Fabricated TiO2 Nanofertilizers for Foliar Assimilation to Enhance Yield and Disease Resistance in Capsicum annuum L R. Prakashraj, S. Vijayakumar, V. N. Punitha, E. Vidhya, M. Nilavukkarasi, P. K. Praseetha Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2021
In vitro and in silico protocols for the assessment of microbicidal compounds from Plumbago zeylanica L V. Vanitha, S. Vijayakumar, S. Prabhu, M. Nilavukkarasi, V.N. Punitha, E. Vidhya, P. K. Praseetha Gene Reports 2021
Aloe vera conjugated natural carbon Quantum dots as Bio- enhancers to accelerate the repair of chronic wounds Praseetha P.K*, Nijam Mohaideen, Vibala B.V., Sreedevy K and Vijayakumar Subramanian Industrial Crops and Products 2021
Improved ammonia vapor sensing properties of Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel process Loyola Poul Raj, S Gobalakrishnan, P K Praseetha, N Chidhambaram, S Saravanakumar, V Ganesh, S AlFaify, H Algarni and I S Yahia Phys. Scr 2021
Biogenesis of ZnO nanoparticles for revolutionizing agriculture: A step towards anti -infection and growth promotion in plants Vijayakumar S, and P.K., Praseetha Industrial Crops and Products 2021
Synthesis of MgO nanoparticles through green metod and evaluation of its Antimicribial activities Vijayakumar S, M. Nilavukkarasi and P.K., Praseetha Vegetos 2021
Potential Eco-friendly Zinc oxide nanomaterials through Phyco-nanotechnology- A review Vijayakumar S., E. Vidhya, M. Nilavukarasi, V.N. Punitha and P.K., Praseetha Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 2021
Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Bauhinia racemosa Lam: a comprehensive review S. Prabhu, S. Vijayakumar*, Raju Ramasubbu, P.K. Praseetha, K. Karthikeyan, G. Thiyagarajan, J. Suresh kumar and N. Prakash Future journal of Pharmaceutical sciences 2021
Biogenesis of ZnO nanoparticles for revolutionizing agriculture: A step towards anti -infection and growth promotion in plants Vijayakumar S, and P.K., Praseetha Industrial Crops and Products 2021
Potential Eco-friendly Zinc oxide nanomaterials through Phyco-nanotechnology- A review Vijayakumar S., E. Vidhya, M. Nilavukarasi, V.N. Punitha and P.K., Praseetha Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 2021
Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Bauhinia racemosa Lam: a comprehensive review S. Prabhu, S. Vijayakumar, Raju Ramasubbu, P.K. Praseetha, K. Karthikeyan, G. Thiyagarajan, J. Suresh kumar and N. Prakash Future journal of Pharmaceutical sciences 2021
Green Fabricated MgO nanoparticles as antimicrobial agent: Characterization and evaluation P. Vidhya, S. Vijayakumar, M. Nilavukkarasi, V.N. Punitha, S. Snega and P.K. Praseetha Materials Today: Proceedings 2021
Quantitative analysis of Ag-doped SnS thin films for solar cell applications S. Sebastian, S. Vinoth, K. Hari Prasad, M. S. Revathy, S. Gobalakrishnan, P. K. Praseetha, V. Ganesh & S. Alfaify Applied Physics A 2020
Green way Biosynthesis, Characterization, anti-microbial and anticancer activity of ZnO nanoparticles Vidhya E., S. Vijayakumar, S. Prathipkumar and Praseetha P.K Gene Reports 2020
Evaluation of antioxidant and neuroprotective activities of Lyngbya majuscule on human neural tissues Manogar, P., S. Vijayakumar and Praseetha P.K Gene Reports 2020
Excess free-electrons activated photocatalytic ability of ZnO films through co-doping of higher oxidation state transition metals Ta and Mo, Dhanraj C, K. Ravichandran, P. Kavitha, P.K. Praseetha Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2020
Combined effect of Cu and N on bandgap modification of ZnO film towards effective visible light responsive photocatalytic dye degradation D.S. Vasanthi, K. Ravichandran, P. Kavitha, S. Sriram, P.K. Praseetha Superlattices and Microstructures 2020
Protection of neuronal cell lines, antimicrobial and photocatalytic behaviours of eco-friendly TiO2 nanoparticles V.N. Punitha, S. Vijayakumar, B. Sakthivel, P.K. Praseetha Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2020
Simultaneous doping of higher ionic state metal and surface plasmon resonance inducing element with ZnO: an effective approach to improve photocatalytic dye degradation K. Shantha Seelan, K. Ravichandran, P. Kavitha, P. K. Praseetha Applied Physics A 2020
Quantitative analysis of Ag-doped SnS thin films for solar cell applications S. Sebastian, S. Vinoth, K. Hari Prasad, M. S. Revathy, S. Gobalakrishnan, P. K. Praseetha, V. Ganesh & S. Alfaify Applied Physics A 2020
Evaluation of antioxidant and neuroprotective activities of Lyngbya majuscule on human neural tissues Manogar, P., S. Vijayakumar and Praseetha P.K Gene Reports 2020
Excess free-electrons activated photocatalytic ability of ZnO films through co-doping of higher oxidation state transition metals Ta and Mo Dhanraj C, K. Ravichandran, P. Kavitha, P.K. Praseetha Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2020
Combined effect of Cu and N on bandgap modification of ZnO film towards effective visible light responsive photocatalytic dye degradation D.S. Vasanthi, K. Ravichandran, P. Kavitha, S. Sriram, P.K. Praseetha Superlattices and Microstructures 2020
Protection of neuronal cell lines, antimicrobial and photocatalytic behaviours of eco-friendly TiO2 nanoparticles V.N. Punitha, S. Vijayakumar,*, B. Sakthivel, P.K. Praseetha Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2020
Simultaneous doping of higher ionic state metal and surface plasmon resonance inducing element with ZnO: an effective approach to improve photocatalytic dye degradation K. Shantha Seelan, K. Ravichandran*, P. Kavitha, P. K. Praseetha Applied Physics A 2020
Evaluating new strategies for anticancer molecules from ethnic medicinal plants through in silico and biological approach - A review B.V. Vibala, P.K. Praseetha, S. Vijayakumar Gene Reports 2020
Green way Biosynthesis, Characterization, anti-microbial and anticancer activity of ZnO nanoparticles Vidhya E., S. Vijayakumar, S. Prathipkumar and Praseetha P.K Gene Reports 2020
Neuroprotective behaviour of Phyllanthus emblica (L) on Human Neural Cell Lineage (PC12) against Glutamate-Induced Cytotoxicity Rajalakshmi S, Vijayakumar S, and Praseetha PK Gene Reports 2019
In silico studies on CNR1 receptor and effective cyanobacterial drugs: Homology modelling, molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulations P. Manogar, S. Vijayakumar, S. Rajalakshmi, M. Pugazhenthi, P.K. Praseetha, S. Jayanthi Gene Reports 2019
Acalypha fruticosa L. leaf extract mediated synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles: Characterization and antimicrobial activities, S. Vijayakumar, P. Arulmozhi, N. Kumar, B. Sakthivel, S. Prathip Kumar, P.K. Praseetha Materials Today: Proceedings 2019
Extraction methods and computational approaches for evaluation of antimicrobial compounds from Capparis zeylanica L. Arulmozhi P., Vijayakumar S., Praseetha P.K., Jayanthi S Analytical Biochemistry journal 2019
A pharmacoinformatic approach on Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) and different small molecules: Homology modelling, molecular docking, MD simulations, drug designing and ADME analysis. S. Vijayakumar, P. Manogar, S. Prabhu, M. Pugazhenthi, P.K. Praseetha Computational Biology and Chemistry 2019
Insight on Molecular and Surface State Photoluminescence of Carbon Dots Revealed Through Solvent Induced Modulations in their Excitation Wavelength Dependent Emission Properties. Sharmistha Dutta Choudhury , Jiddhu M. Chethodil, Poojan Milan Gharat, Praseetha P. K., and Haridas Pal J. of Photochemical and photobiological Sciences 2019
Metal Incorporated g-C3N4 Nanosheets as Potential Cytotoxic Agents for Promoting Free Radical Scavenging in Cancer Cell Lines M. Anto Godwin, K. Mahithashri, O. Jeba Shiney, Madhulika Bhagat, and P. K. Praseetha Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2019
Green synthesis of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles using Atalantia monophylla leaf extracts: Characterization and antimicrobial analysis S. Vijayakumar, S. Mahadevan, P. Arulmozhi, S. Sriram, P.K. Praseetha, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2018
Preparation of an efficient and safe polymeric-magnetic nanoparticle delivery system for sorafenib in Hepatocellular carcinoma Greeshma T, Philip S, Rimal Isaac R.S., Praseetha P.K, Jiji S.G and Asha V.V Life Sciences 2018
Identification and isolation of antimicrobial compounds from the flower extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L: Insilico and Invitro approaches Vijayakumar Subramaniyan, Morvin Yabesh Jobu Ester, Arulmozhi, Praveenkumar, Manogar Palani, P.K. Praseetha Journal of Microbial Pathogenesis 2018
pH-Elicited Luminescence Functionalities of Carbon Dots: Mechanistic Insights Sharmistha Dutta Choudhury , Jiddhu M. Chethodil, Poojan Milan Gharat, Praseetha P. K., and Haridas Pal J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2017
Dielectric properties of lanthanum doped Pb (Zr.0.52Ti0.48)O3 Ferroelectric Nonoceramics M. Prabu, S. Gobalakrishnan, P. K. Praseetha and T. Arun Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 2016
Molybdenum disulfide nanoflakes through Li-AHA assisted exfoliation in aqueous medium 1Bindhu B, Sharu BK, Gopika MS, Praseetha PK and Veluraja Kasinadar RSC Advances 2016
Structural studies and electrical properties of PZT (52/48) electroceramics synthesized by sol–gel route M. Prabu , I. B. Shameem Banu, S. Gobalakrishnan and P. K. Praseetha Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2016
Targeted therapy for breast cancer cells by herbal drug formulations of iron oxide nanoparticles Swathy J.S., Sakthivel G. and Praseetha P.K Asian J. of pharma. and clin. res 2016
Influence of Co + F doping on the physical and antibacterial properties of ZnO nanopowders prepared by a simple soft chemical method Ravichandran, K, R. Uma, B. Sakthivel, S. Gobalakrishnan & P. K. Praseetha J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 2015
Response Surface Optimization of MWCNT modified Carbon Paste Electrode for Zn (II) Determination Rimal Isaac and Praseetha P.K International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2015
Drug embedded PVP coated magnetic nanoparticles for targeted killing of Breast cancer cells. Arsula Rose, Praseetha P.K., Princy Alexander, Sunitha abdeen, Madhulika Bhagat and Murthy Chavali Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2013
Books Published
Book Name ISBN Publisher
Introduction to Nanotechnology 978-93-87360-40-2 Jazym Publishers
Synthesis of Nanocomposites; Synthesis of Inorganic nanomaterials 978-0-08-101975-7 Elsevier Publications
Fundamentals of Nanotechnology 978-93-91563-76-9 Jazym Publishers
Patent Title Year
Quantum dots for Bio-imaging 2021
Pharma compounds for Nanoparticle Bioconjugation 2021
Dashapushpam: The ten sacred plants and their extracts for herbal wound dressings 2022
Carbon quantum dots stabilized transdermal patches with aloe vera for healing diabetic wounds 2020
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