Department of Physics
The Department of Physics was established in the year 1989 as an integral part of Noorul Islam College of Engineering which is presently under the roof of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education. The Department aims and thrives to equip the students with theoretical aspects of Physics and its application to science, engineering and technology. The main focus of our department is to compile academic curriculum with career-oriented syllabus so as to establish quality at both academic and career segment.
The Department has a pool of well qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty members. M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes are offered by the department. The laboratory is well equipped to cater to the needs of students and to carry out Research activities. The Department has notable academic and research achievements. The Department is active in various areas of research particularly in Nanomaterials, Renewable energy, Multifunctional materials, Polymer composites, DFT, Crystal Growth and Applied Spectroscopy. The Department has a vibrant Physics Club to ensure multifaceted development of students.
Professor & HOD, Dean (Faculty of Science and Humanities)
Designation: Assistant Professor Passed out Year / Batch: 2016- 2017 Short Bio:
Designation: Assistant Professor Passed out Year / Batch: 2014- 2015 Short Bio:
Designation: HOD of Physics Passed out Year / Batch: 2014 ? 2020 Short Bio:
Designation: Senior Lecture Passed out Year / Batch: 2015 ? 2018 Short Bio:
Designation: Listing Management Specialist Passed out Year / Batch: 2018 -2020 Short Bio:
Designation: Assistant Professor Passed out Year / Batch: 2014-2019 Short Bio: Emmanuel College Vazhichal Kudappanamoodu P O Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695505
Designation: Assistant Professor Passed out Year / Batch: 2011 – 2014 Short Bio: Ms Radhika A, is working as Assistant Professor at Muslim Arts college, Thiruvithancode
Achievement: Received Best paper Award from IIST Batch: 2014 - 2019 Short Bio: Received Best paper Award for the work entitled “Novel modifier assisted exfoliation of few layered MoS2 Nanoflakes” in the National Conference on Materials Science and Technology(NCMST-2016) held during 12-14 July, 2016, organized by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala
Achievement: Delivered a talk in All India radio Batch: 2018-2020 Short Bio: Mr. Aswin W.J delievered a talk on "How to control emotions and how to precisely increase the brillance and to attain good softskills in life" in a prominent program of All India Radio named " vannil oru ponn vasantham "
Achievement: Outstanding Student Batch: 2018-2019 Short Bio: Ms. Shabna S received the Certificate of Excellence and Honour on the 4th Remembrance Day of Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam from Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education
Achievement: Employed as Listing Management Specialist Batch: 2018 -2020 Short Bio: Gautham B L is employed as Listing Management Specialist in Bnary foundation, Trivandrum
Achievement: Entrepreneur Batch: 2015 -2017 & 2017- 2018 Short Bio: Shani Gilbert is an Entreprenuer
Achievement: Placed as Teacher Batch: 2019 -2021 Short Bio: Ms Subaja P, who completed M.Sc Physics got placed with International School, Longowal, Punjab asTeacher in the year 2021
Achievement: Placed as Teacher Batch: 2014 – 2015 Short Bio: Mr R Joe Dixen who completed M.Phil. Physics got placed with Don Bosco School of Excellence, Chennai as Teacher
Achievement: Outstanding Student Batch: 2017-2019 Short Bio: Received Outstanding Student Achiever in Physics from NICHE during 4th Remembrance day of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam held on 27th July 2019
Achievement: DST-Inspire Fellowship Batch: 2021 Short Bio: Ms. Shamsiya Shams, Research Scholar of the Department has been selected for the award of DST-Inspire Fellowship
Achievement: Received I2oR International Award 2021 Batch: 2019-21 Short Bio: The International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) Awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding work of exceptional Researchers/ Scientists/Professors across the Globe.