News Update:
70th Year Celebration of Noorul Islam Educational Trust, 16th Year of Deemed University Status and Inauguration of the Academic Session 2024-25


About Mathematics

Brief Into about Mathematics


Department Profile

The Department of Mathematics has been in existence right from the inception of the Noorul Islam College of Engineering.       The department has remarkable academic and research ambience to its credit  The Department has in its fold well-qualified faculty with two professors, three  associate professors and eight  assistant  professors. Eleven members have completed Ph.D.  and two members are pursuing Ph.D. programs. Among the staff members five of them qualified SET/NET. The teaching and learning of the entire faculty continue to grow dramatically. It includes developing effective instructional strategies, reaching today’s students and teaching with technology.  

The Department offers programs such as M.Sc. and Ph.D.(Full Time &Part time.) Conferences, Seminars and Workshops are regularly organized by the department to enable the students and the faculty members to come to grip with the latest in the field of Mathematics. 

  The Department has experts in the fields of Graph Theory, Fuzzy Mathematics, Operations Research, Optimization Techniques, Stochastic Processes, Inventory Control and Supply Chain Management. They have published 130 papers in peer reviewed journals. LaTeX software and MAT Lab are also included as part of the curriculum.

The faculty members of the department have successfully completed  three Research Projects sponsored  by the  DST- Government of India  with a fund allocation of   Rs. 56,37,600/-.  Dr. M. Immaculate Mary, Dr. K. Uma Samundesvari and Dr. P.B. Sarasija have authored six books.

The Science Club of the Department of Mathematics conducts Intercollegiate Under Graduate Mathematics Quiz Competition in Mathematics every year. The Mathematics Literacy Program is also conducted every year by our students for the benefit of school going children in neighbouring villages.

We are happy to state that the department has been producing excellent results in the university examinations including centum in both U.G and P.G programs. Thirty of our alumni are placed in reputed educational institutions.

Lab Facilities
Notable Students
Notable Alumni
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Head of the Department
Dr. Immaculate Mary M

Professor & HOD

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