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Software Engineering

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Journal Publications & Patents

  • Others Faculty: Janani Bhiravi, and J.P. Jayan
    Article Title: "Local Directional Number Pattern for Face Recognition"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging and Technology
    Vol. 8, No. 5, PP.188 – 198
    Publisher: NIJET
  • Others Faculty: S. Abisha and J.P.Jayan
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis Of Rotation Invariant Parts based Object Detection In High-Resolution Images"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging and Technology
    Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.1-7
    Publisher: NIJET
  • Others Faculty: Amala Venilla and J.P. Jayan
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis Of Calorie And Nutrition From Food Image"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging and Technology
    Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.8-12
    Publisher: NIJET
  • Scopus Faculty: K. Puspalatha, Dr.R.S.Shaji, and J. P. Jayan
    Article Title: "A Cost effective load balancing scheme for better resource utilization in cloud computing"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies in web intelligence
    Vol. 6, No. 3, PP.280 – 290
    Publisher: JETWI
  • Others Faculty: M. Archana and J.P.Jayan
    Article Title: "Pair wise cost in semi-supervised discriminant anaysis for face recognition using CAS-PEAL and CMU-PIE data bases"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging and Technology
    Vol. 10, No. 2, PP.30-35
    Publisher: NIJET
  • UGC Faculty: J.P. Jayan , Dr.M.K.Jeyakumar and V.G.Ranjith
    Article Title: "A Singular points detection based Fingerprint Representation and Matching Algorithm: A Survey"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology
    Vol. 3, No. 3, PP.62 – 68
    Publisher: IJARTET
  • UGC Faculty: J.P. Jayan, Dr. M. K. Jeyakumar
    Article Title: "Altered Fingerprint Identification and Matching Using Number Generation Technique"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
    Vol. 3, No. 3, PP.1173 – 1182
    Publisher: IJSRCSEIT
  • UGC Faculty: Samuel Blessed Nayagam P. V, Shajin Nargunam A
    Article Title: "Trusted Computing Based Security Schemes for Cloud-A Survey"
    Name of the Journal: International Jortnal of Contro Theory and Applications
    Vol. 10, No. 03, PP.149-158
    Publisher: International Science Press.
  • Scopus Faculty: Samuel Blessed Nayagam P. V, Shajin Nargunam A
    Article Title: "Multilevel Authentication Scheme for Cloud Computing Platform"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.319-327.
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Samuel Blessed Nayagam P. V, Shajin Nargunam A
    Article Title: "Trust Aware Service Provisioning Scheme for Multi Cloud Environment"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP., 306-315
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Samuel Blessed Nayagam P. V, Shajin Nargunam A
    Article Title: "Secure Data Verification and Virtual Machine Monitoring"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Technology
    Vol. 7, No. 4, PP.574-579
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation
  • UGC Faculty: Samuel Blessed Nayagam P. V, Shajin Nargunam A
    Article Title: "Secure Trust Verification Scheme for Cloud Computing"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies
    Vol. 7, No. 6, PP.2018
    Publisher: ournal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies
  • Scopus Faculty: Jerine. S, Dr. Julia Punitha Malar Dhas
    Article Title: "Cryptography based Authentication method for DoS Attack Detection in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 70, PP.118-124
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: Jerine. S, Julia Punitha Malar Dhas
    Article Title: "EEGA: Energy Efficient Group Authentication for Detecting DoS Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
    Vol. 8, No. 5, PP.2285-2292
    Publisher: International Science Press
  • Others Faculty: Jerine. S, Julia Punitha Malar Dhas
    Article Title: "DoS Attacks Detection in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks using Signature based Authentication"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
    Vol. 10, No. 27, PP.119-125
    Publisher: International Science Press
  • UGC Faculty: Sukanya S. T, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Melanoma Detection in Early Stage Using Various Techniques: A Review"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
    Vol. 6, No. 4, PP.550-554
    Publisher: IJ Publication
  • Others Faculty: Anila J. L, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Overcome Vampire Attacks Problem in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Network by using Distance Vector Protocols"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 10, No. 1, PP.13-20
    Publisher: EEE/ NICHE
  • Others Faculty: J. Archana, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Efficient Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks using DKG Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 8, No. v, PP.112-116
    Publisher: EEE/ NICHE
  • Others Faculty: K. C. Auslin Jemila, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Message Authentication Protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 8, No. v, PP.81-84
    Publisher: EEE/ NICHE
  • Scopus Faculty: Abisha. V, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Using Blind Source separation Algorithm Tracking Multitarget in Wireless Sensor Network "
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.1-4
    Publisher: EEE/ NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Anjana A. B, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Load Balanced Clustering and Dual Data Uploading for Mobile Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.15-18
    Publisher: EEE/ NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Arul Femy, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Resistant Against Shoulder Surfing Attack using a Technique Pass Matrix"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.19-22
    Publisher: EEE/ NICHE
  • Scopus Faculty: X.P.Ajitha Baby Fathima, Dr.R.S.Shaji, J. P. Jayan
    Article Title: "A Multi Server Storage Authentication System For Cloud Computing"
    Name of the Journal: International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies
    Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.1034 – 1038
    Publisher: IEEE
  • UGC Faculty: Ajitha Rani, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Congestion controlled Adaptive Routing in Wireless Networks"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Research
    Vol. 6, No. 6, PP.836-840
    Publisher: IJ publication
  • UGC Faculty: S R Sagithra, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Design of Secure Access control method for mobile Cloud Computing"
    Name of the Journal: Dogo Ransang Research Journal
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.115-123
    Publisher: DRSR
  • Scopus Faculty: A. Vinny Mary, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "Wireless Body Area Network Transmission for iot based health care network: A Review"
    Name of the Journal: IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering
    Vol. 983, No. 1, PP.1-15
    Publisher: IOP
  • Others Faculty: V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering using Multichannel Decoded Local Binary Pattern"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology
    Vol. 61, No. 1, PP.49 - 55
    Publisher: Seventh Sense Research Group
  • Scopus Faculty: V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini
    Article Title: "Image Clustering and Retrieval using LTCoP Similarity Measures"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.212-221
    Publisher: International Research Publication House
  • Others Faculty: V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini
    Article Title: "Reliable CBIR System for Fabric Images Based on NSCT and LDP features"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),
    Vol. 8, No. 2S, PP.328-335
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering& Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: V. Alan Gowri Phivin and A. C. Subhajini
    Article Title: "Time Conserving CBIR System for Fabric Images based on Color and Texture Features"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
    Vol. 7, No. 5S2, PP.107-113
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering& Sciences
  • Others Faculty: R.I. Heaven Rose , A.C. Subhajini
    Article Title: "Multiple class association rules for content based image retrieval with efficiency"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    Vol. 116, No. 22, PP.375-385
    Publisher: academic publications
  • Scopus Faculty: R.I. Heaven Rose , A.C. Subajini
    Article Title: "An Efficient medical content based image retrieval with lenient relevance feedback"
    Name of the Journal: Internation Journal of Enfineering and Technology
    Vol. 7, No. 3.6, PP.175-178
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation
  • Scopus Faculty: Sukanya S. T, S. Jerine
    Article Title: "A novel melanoma detection model: adapted K-means clustering-based segmentation process."
    Name of the Journal: Bio Algorithms and Med Systems
    Vol. 17, No. 2, PP.103-118
    Publisher: DeGruyter
  • Dr. J.P. Jayan, Intellectual Property India, "", Treatment Advisior Machine
  • Dr. Jayan J P, IPR, India, "", IoT Using Food Processor
  • Dr.Samuel Blessed Nayagam P V, The Patent Office Gov. of India, "", Cloud Based Hybrid Processor Pool Architecture for Sustaining Green Computing.
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