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Electronics and Communication Engineering

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Journal Publications & Patents

  • Scopus Faculty: Joy. Jinju, N. Santhi, K. Ramar, and B. Sathya Bama
    Article Title: "Spatial frequency discrete wavelet transform image fusion technique for remote sensing applications"
    Name of the Journal: Engineerin g Science and Technology, An International 22 715- 726 2019 al (JESTECH )
    Vol. 22, No. 3, PP.715-726
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • Scopus Faculty: Joy. Jinju, N. Santhi, Jayamohan. Sanil, and K. Ramar
    Article Title: "Performance of Spatial Frequency Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Remote Sensing Image Fusion Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology in Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 3, PP.7968-7978
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Ramar K Yasir Aslam, Santhi N, Ramasamy N
    Article Title: "An Effective Surface Defect Detection Method Using Adaptive Thresholding Fused With PSO Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology
    Vol. 19, No. 6, PP.11.1-11.7
    Publisher: UK
  • Scopus Faculty: Dalmiya C.P, Santhi N, Sathyabama B
    Article Title: "A novel feature descriptor for automatic change detection in remote sensing images"
    Name of the Journal: Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science
    Vol. 22, No. 2, PP.183-192
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K.
    Article Title: "A modified adaptive thresholding method using cuckoo search algorithm for detecting surface defects"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
    Vol. 10, No. 5, PP.214-220
    Publisher: The Science and Information Organization
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K.
    Article Title: "Metallic surface coating defect detection using firefly based adaptive thresholding and level set method"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 10, PP.3698-3704
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Jayamohan, S., Nagarajan, S., Kadarkaraiyandi,R
    Article Title: "Effect of resampling on the performance and execution speed of adaptive marginalized particle filter"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 3, PP.4005-4012
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Binisha Rose, J., Santhi,N.
    Article Title: "A novel method for CBIR using SVM classifier with multi features"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 11, No. 7, PP.340-348
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K
    Article Title: "Detection of surface coating defects using fuzzy C-means clustering with firefly optimization"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
    Vol. 9, No. 1, PP.4338-4343
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Jayamohan, S., Nagarajan, S., Kadarkaraiyandi,K
    Article Title: "A novel adaptive marginalized particle filter for mixed linear / nonlinear state-space models"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology
    Vol. 19, No. 6, PP.54.1-54.15
    Publisher: United kingdom Simulation Society
  • Scopus Faculty: Sathya Bama B. Daimiya C P., Santhi N.
    Article Title: "Semi-Supervised Change Detection Method using Phase Congruency and Local Binary Pattern (PC-LBP)"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology
    Vol. 19, No. 6, PP.13.1-13.5
    Publisher: UK
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam, Y., Santhi, N., Ramasamy, N., Ramar,K
    Article Title: "A heuristic fuzzy clustering approach for defect detection on titanium coated metal surface"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 4, PP.105-111
    Publisher: Institute of advanced scientific research
  • Scopus Faculty: Jayamohan, Sanil., Nagarajan, Santhi., Kadarkaraiyandi Ramar
    Article Title: "Measurement noise analysis of marginalized particle filter for target tracking applications"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology
    Vol. 19, No. 5, PP.32.1-32.14
    Publisher: Notiiingham trent University, UK
  • SCI Faculty: Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha .M, Padmasuresh. L, John Bosco M
    Article Title: "Modified Image Segmentation Method based on Region Growing and Region Merging"
    Name of the Journal: International Arab Journal of Information Technology
    Vol. 13, No. 6A, PP.899-907
    Publisher: Zarqa Private University
  • Scopus Faculty: K.P. Rajesh, M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "Transmitting Antenna Number Optimization for Smart Base Station using Per Cell Spectral Efficiency Analysis"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
    Vol. 8, No. 1C2, PP.1115-1119
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
  • Scopus Faculty: K. P. Rajesh M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "Enhanced Spectral Efficiency for 5G Massive MIMO System"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
    Vol. 8, No. 6, PP.584-587
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
  • Scopus Faculty: 4. K. P. Rajesh and M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "Analysis of per Cell Spectral Efficiency parameters for Smart Base Station Controller"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
    Vol. 8, No. 7, PP.869-872
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
  • Scopus Faculty: 5. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha.M, Padmasuresh. L, John Bosco. M
    Article Title: "Cuckoo Search Based Color Image Segmentation Using Seeded Region Growing"
    Name of the Journal: Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering
    Vol. 326, No. -, PP.1573-1583
    Publisher: Elsevier - Book Chapter
  • Scopus Faculty: 6. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha.M, Padmasuresh. L, John Bosco. M
    Article Title: "Region based image segmentation using cuckoo search algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.884-888
    Publisher: JCHPS
  • Scopus Faculty: ix. Shanila N., Vinod Kumar. R. S., and Ramya Ravi. R.
    Article Title: "A survey on Methodology based Medical Image segmentation Techniques and their Applications"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System
    Vol. 11, No. 9, PP.612-622
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Kuruvilla John, Vinod Kumar. R. S., Kumar S. S.
    Article Title: "Design of Conditional Pulse Enhancement Flip-Flop Embedded with Clock Gating and Signal Feed-through Mechanism"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
    Vol. 14, No. 4, PP.2000-2012
    Publisher: Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology
  • Scopus Faculty: Kuruvilla John, Vinod Kumar. R. S., Kumar S. S.
    Article Title: "Effect of Clock Gating in Conditional Pulse Enhancement Flip-Flop for Low Power Applications"
    Name of the Journal: Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
    Vol. 7, No. 2, PP.357-365
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) Indonesia Section in collaboration with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Universitas Diponegoro.
  • Scopus Faculty: Kuruvilla John, Vinod Kumar. R. S., Kumar S. S.
    Article Title: "A Novel Design of Synchronous Counter for Low Power and High Speed Applications"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
    Vol. 8, No. 4, PP.779-783
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Ramya Ravi, R., Vinod Kumar. R. S., and Shanila N
    Article Title: "Segmentation of Melanoma using Triclass Thresholding in Dermoscopic Images"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System
    Vol. 11, No. 6, PP.1603-1609
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Kuruvilla John, Vinod Kumar. R. S. & Kumar. S.S
    Article Title: "Design of Low Power and High Speed Implicit Pulse Flip-Flop and its Application"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Technology
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.1893-1898
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation
  • Scopus Faculty: Kuruvilla John, Vinod Kumar. R. S., Kumar S. S.
    Article Title: "Impact of Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flops in Low Power Applications"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 1, PP.298-306
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • SCI Faculty: Vinod Kumar. R. S, & S. Arivazhagan
    Article Title: "Adaptive Patch Based Texture Synthesis Using Contourlet Transform"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
    Vol. 28, No. 3, PP.1061 - 1070
    Publisher: IOS Press
  • Scopus Faculty: Vinod Kumar. R. S, & S. Arivazhagan
    Article Title: "Region Completion in a Texture using Multiresolution Transforms"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering-TRANSACTIONS B: Applications
    Vol. 27, No. 5, PP.747-756
    Publisher: Materials and Energy Research Center
  • Others Faculty: K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Speed optimization of single core embedded system"
    Name of the Journal: International journal of Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology
    Vol. 4, No. 1, PP.-
    Publisher: ripublications
  • Scopus Faculty: K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Multicore based closed loop motor controller embedded system for PMDC motor"
    Name of the Journal: European Journal of Scientific Research
    Vol. 76, No. 3, PP.499-513
    Publisher: European Journals Inc.
  • Scopus Faculty: K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Multicore based open loop motor controller Embedded system for Permanent Magnet Direct current motor"
    Name of the Journal: American journal of Applied science
    Vol. 9, No. 6-, PP.924-933
    Publisher: Science Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Wireless sensor network based oil well health guard system (OWHGS)"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 70, PP.-
    Publisher: ripublications
  • Scopus Faculty: K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Field Oriented commutation Technique based Control of BLDC Motor using SVPWM Method"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 10, No. 70, PP.-
    Publisher: ripublications
  • UGC Faculty: Cyriac Jose ,K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Review and Study of Intelligent Techniques in Emergency Vehicle Management System"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
    Vol. 6, No. 12, PP.366-371
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: Gangaiah Yadav, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Energy-Efficient Approximate Multiplier Design using Bit Significance-Driven Logic Compression"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Research in Advent Technology
    Vol. 6, No. 11, PP.3265-3270
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: Rakesh S, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Modified Han Carlson Adder Based Multiply Accumulate Unit for Low Power Digital Signal Processor"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 6, PP.1144-1148
    Publisher: BlueEye Intelligence Engineering and Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: Gangaiah Yadav, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Implementation of an Algorithms for Improve the Quality of Memory Built-In Self-Test Tools"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal for Scientific Research and Development
    Vol. 5, No. 2, PP.1840-1844
    Publisher: I.J.S.R.D India
  • Scopus Faculty: Rakesh S, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Low Power VLSI Design of a modified Brent Kung adder based Multiply Accumulate Unit for Reverb Engine"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
    Vol. 7, No. 6, PP.976-980
    Publisher: BlueEye Intelligence Engineering and Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: Rakesh S, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "VLSI based Low Power Multiply Accumulate Unit Employing Kogge Stone Adder with Modified Pre-Processing and Post-Processing Stages"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
    Vol. 8, No. 4, PP.295-299
    Publisher: BlueEye Intelligence Engineering and Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: Cyriac Jose ,K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Highly Accurate emergency vehicle management for multiple path using support vector machine based predictor"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of innovative Technology and exploring Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 8, PP.1845-1852
    Publisher: BlueEye Intelligence Engineering and Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: Reshma V. K., Vinod Kumar R. S., Shahi D., Shyjith M B
    Article Title: "Chicken-Moth Search Optimization-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Image Steganography"
    Name of the Journal: Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
    Vol. 21, No. 2, PP.217-232
    Publisher: Universitatea de Vest
  • SCI Faculty: Reshma, V. K., Vinod Kumar, R. S
    Article Title: "Pixel Prediction-Based Image Steganography by Support Vector Neural Network"
    Name of the Journal: The Computer Journal
    Vol. 64, No. 5, PP.731–748
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
  • SCI Faculty: S. Amala Shanthi, C. Helen Sulochana, T. Latha
    Article Title: "Image Denoising in Hybrid Wavelet And Quincunx Diamond Filter Bank Domain based on Gaussian Scale Mixture Model "
    Name of the Journal: Computers and Electrical Engg
    Vol. 46, No. C, PP.384-93
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • Others Faculty: S. Amala Shanthi, C. Helen Sulochana, T. Latha
    Article Title: "Subsampled Pyramid and NonSubsampled Directional Filter Bank"
    Name of the Journal: International journal of Applied Engg. Research
    Vol. 9, No. 26, PP.9364-68
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • SCI Faculty: S. Amala Shanthi, C. Helen Sulochana, S.Albert Jerome
    Article Title: "Image Denoising using Bilateral Filter in Subsampled Pyramid and NonSubsmpled Directional Filter Bank Domain"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy System
    Vol. 31, No. 1, PP.237-247
    Publisher: IOS press
  • Scopus Faculty: V.T. Deepa, S. Amala Shanthi
    Article Title: "An Optimized Approach for Evaluation of Radiation Hazard from Mobile Tower"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System
    Vol. 10, No. 3, PP.1278-1288
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: V.T. Deepa, S. Amala Shanthi
    Article Title: "Shielding Effectiveness of Aluminium Sheet for Radiation Hazard from cell Tower"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 5, PP.189-195
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
  • Scopus Faculty: A.R. Shamna, S. Amala Shanthi
    Article Title: "An Approach for Reduce Distortion and Improve System Performance of MIMO-OFDM Using Wiener Hammerstein Equalizer"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System
    Vol. 12, No. 4, PP.390-401
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: A.R. Shamna, S. Amala Shanthi
    Article Title: "Performance Comparison of MIMO-OFDM Using Weiner Hammerstein and CNN Equalizers"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of critical reviews
    Vol. 7, No. 6, PP.195-201
    Publisher: journal of critical reviews
  • Scopus Faculty: V. C. Harish Kumar,  S. Amala Shanthi
    Article Title: "Artificial neural network with modified rider optimization for design and control of PV-integrated quasi Z-source cascaded multilevel inverter system"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing,
    Vol. 12, No. 1, PP.-
    Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: Shanila N., and Vinod Kumar. R. S.,
    Article Title: "Performance Evaluation of Various Active Contour Models for Liver Boundary Detection in Abdomen Computed Tomography Images"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Critical Reviews
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.143-147
    Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: Shanila N., Vinod Kumar. R. S., and Abin. N. A.,
    Article Title: "Feature Extraction and Performance Evaluation of Classification algorithms for Liver Tumor Diagnosis of Abdominal Computed Tomography Images"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.82-90
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Shahi.D., and Vinod Kumar. R. S
    Article Title: "Reversible Steganography for RGB Images Using Image Interpolation"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.41-49
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Ramya Ravi. R., Vinod Kumar. R. S., and Shanila N
    Article Title: "Artifacts Removal in Melanoma Using Various Pre-processing Filters"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE)
    Vol. 7, No. 3.27, PP.104-107
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation Inc
  • Scopus Faculty: Vinod Kumar. R. S, & S. Arivazhagan
    Article Title: "Novel Methods for Non Uniform Patch Based Texture Synthesis using Random Selection of Patches"
    Name of the Journal: International Review on Computers and Software
    Vol. 8, No. 6, PP.1390-1399
    Publisher: Praise Worthy Prize
  • SCI Faculty: Kuruvilla John, Vinod Kumar. R. S., Kumar S. S
    Article Title: "Low Power Pulsed Flip-Flop with Clock Gating and Conditional Pulse Enhancement"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Automation and Control
    Vol. 15, No. 2, PP.259-274
    Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • Others Faculty: Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha.M, Padmasuresh. L
    Article Title: "An Integrated approach for color Image Segmentation using edge and color information"
    Name of the Journal: IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 7, PP.7-13
    Publisher: International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR)
  • Others Faculty: Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha.M, Padmasuresh. L, M.John Bosco
    Article Title: "Cuckoo Search Based Threshold Optimization for Initial Seed Selection in Seeded Region Growing"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computational Engineering Research
    Vol. 3, No. 8, PP.39-42
    Publisher: IJCER online publication Inc.
  • Others Faculty: Nidhi Sudhakaran, M.Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "Logistic Regression Based Decision Tree Classifier For Combined Finger Privacy Protection"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Bioscience
    Vol. 2, No. 4, PP.136-147
    Publisher: Kamini Research Foundation - Publishers
  • UGC Faculty: P. Careena, M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha and P. Arun
    Article Title: "Detection of Murmur from Non-Stationarityof Heart Sounds"
    Name of the Journal: Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.947-959
    Publisher: Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
  • UGC Faculty: P. Careena, M. MarySynthuja Jain Preetha, P. Arun
    Article Title: "Detection of Murmur from Time Domain Features of Heart Sounds –an Investigation"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
    Vol. 8, No. 154, PP.716-723
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
  • Scopus Faculty: 12. P. Careena, M. MarySynthuja Jain Preetha, P. Arun
    Article Title: "Waveform Length Based Reliability Analysis for the Detection of Murmur from PCG Records"
    Name of the Journal: Emerging Technologies for Sustainability
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.267-273
    Publisher: CRC Press
  • Scopus Faculty: P. Careena, M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha and P. Arun
    Article Title: "Effectiveness of Wilson Amplitude for the Detection of Murmur from the PCG Records"
    Name of the Journal: Advances in Communication Systems and Networks, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
    Vol. 656, No. -, PP.189-198
    Publisher: Springer Singapore
  • UGC Faculty: P. Careena, M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha and P. Arun
    Article Title: "Significance of Frequency Domain Features of PCG Records for Murmur Detection- an Investigation"
    Name of the Journal: Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal
    Vol. 13, No. 2, PP.555 – 569
    Publisher: Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
  • Scopus Faculty: Rakesh S, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "A comprehensive reReview on the VLSI design performance of different Parallel Prefix Adders"
    Name of the Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings
    Vol. 11, No. 1, PP.1001-1009
    Publisher: Science Direct
  • Scopus Faculty: Daphni S., Grace K.S.V.
    Article Title: "Design and analysis of 32-bit parallel prefix adders for low power VLSI applications"
    Name of the Journal: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems
    Vol. 4, No. 2, PP.102-106
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: Gangaiah Yadav, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Impact of resistive open faults on inverter chain and 7t sram"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 3, PP.559-563
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences
  • Scopus Faculty: Daphni S., Grace K.S.V.
    Article Title: "Design and analysis of 32-bit reverse converter based on low power parallel prefix adder"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
    Vol. 9, No. 1, PP.3028-3031
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences
  • SCI Faculty: Daphni S., Grace K.S.V.
    Article Title: "Design an Area Efficient Kogge Stone Adder using Pass Transistor Logic"
    Name of the Journal: International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: IEEE
  • Scopus Faculty: Rakesh S, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Power Efficient Multiply Accumulate Architectures using Modified Parallel Prefix Adders for Low Power Applications"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
    Vol. 9, No. 4, PP.615-623
    Publisher: "University of Bahrain University of Bahrain Scientific Journals"
  • Scopus Faculty: Gangaiah Yadav, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Resistive open fault and detection methods for low power nanometric integrated circuits"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
    Vol. 16, No. 2, PP.-
    Publisher: American Scientific Publishers
  • Scopus Faculty: Rakesh S, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Low power multiply accumulate unit based on modified hybrid Han Carlson adder"
    Name of the Journal: International journal of Engineering and Technology
    Vol. 8, No. 1, PP.-
    Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation
  • Scopus Faculty: Gangaiah Yadav, K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Impact of Resistive Open Faults on Inverter Chain and 7T SRAM"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
    Vol. 8, No. 3, PP.559-563
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • UGC Faculty: Cyriac Jose ,K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Review and Study of Intelligent Techniques in Emergency Vehicle Management System"
    Name of the Journal: International journal of computer sciences and engineering
    Vol. 6, No. 12, PP.366-371
    Publisher: ISROSET, Indore, India
  • Scopus Faculty: Cyriac Jose ,K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Optimization-based routing model for the dynamic path planning of emergency vehicles"
    Name of the Journal: Evolutionary Intelligence
    Vol. -, No. -, PP.-
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Cyriac Jose ,K S VijulaGrace
    Article Title: "Multiple Classifier Based Highly Accurate Emergency Vehicles Management System for Real-time Traffic Control and Monitoring Applications"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
    Vol. 29, No. 3, PP.-
    Publisher: Science and Engineering Research Support Society/ElSEVIER
  • Scopus Faculty: Gopalakrishnan T., Rajeesh J., Palanikumar S.
    Article Title: "Robust breast cancer detection by utilising the multi-resolution features"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 4, PP.225-236
    Publisher: InderScience
  • Scopus Faculty: T. Gopalakrishnan, J. Rajeesh, S. Palanikumar
    Article Title: "Automatic Nucleus Level Breast Cancer Detection System"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 11, No. 4, PP.255-266
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: J. Rajeesh, Moni R.S., S Palanikumar, T. Gopalakrishnan
    Article Title: "Discrimination of Alzhemer’s Disease Using Hippocampus Texture Features from MRI"
    Name of the Journal: Asian biomedicine
    Vol. 6, No. 1, PP.87-94
    Publisher: 10.5372/1905-7415.0601.131
  • Scopus Faculty: J. Rajeesh, Moni R.S., S Palanikumar, T. Gopalakrishnan
    Article Title: "A Versatile Algorithm for the Automatic Segmentation of Hippocampus Based on Level Set"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.213-224
    Publisher: InderScience
  • Others Faculty: T. Gopalakrishnan, J. Rajeesh, S. Palanikumar, Narasimhan K
    Article Title: "Automated Analysis of Histopathology Images for Cancer Diagnosis - A Review"
    Name of the Journal: Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
    Vol. 8, No. 1, PP.1381-1386
    Publisher: RJPBCS
  • Scopus Faculty: D. Shahi, Dr. R S Vinod Kumar, V K Reshma
    Article Title: "Reversible Steganography for RGB Images Using Image Interpolation "
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.41-49
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: Rose, J.B.,Santhi, N.,Ramar, K.
    Article Title: "Environmental oriented image retrieval using deep learning in remote sensing"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Green Engineering
    Vol. 10, No. 10, PP.8675-8686
    Publisher: Alpha Publisher
  • SCI Faculty: Dalmiya C.P., Santhi N., Sathyabama B.
    Article Title: "An enhanced back propagation method for change analysis of remote sensing images with adaptive preprocessing"
    Name of the Journal: European Journal of Remote Sensing
    Vol. 53, No. 1, PP.41-52
    Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
  • SCI Faculty: Aslam Y., Santhi N., Ramasamy N., Ramar K.
    Article Title: "Localization and segmentation of metal cracks using deep learning"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.4205-4213
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Aiswarya K.S., Santhi N., Ramar K.
    Article Title: "Image retrieval in mobile by using position scale orientation SIFT and contextual saliency"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 2, No. 3, PP.71-81
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
  • Scopus Faculty: Binisha Rose J., Santhi N., Ramar K.
    Article Title: "A content based remote sensing image retrieval using a modified local color descriptors"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.244-248
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
  • Scopus Faculty: Aiswarya K.S., Santhi N., Ramar K.
    Article Title: "Content-based image retrieval for mobile devices using multi-stage autoencoders"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Critical Reviews
    Vol. 7, No. 6, PP.63-66
    Publisher: Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: Aslam Y., Santhi N
    Article Title: "A Comparative Study of Thresholding Based Defect Detection Techniques"
    Name of the Journal: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
    Vol. 38, No. 1, PP.631-637
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Arunlal S.L., Santhi N., Ramar K.
    Article Title: "Design and Implementation of Content-Based Natural Image Retrieval Approach Using Feature Distance"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Image and Graphics
    Vol. 20, No. 2, PP.2050014 -1-17
    Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd
  • Scopus Faculty: Dalmiya, C.P., Santhi, N
    Article Title: "A novel adaptive clustering algorithm using validity index in remote sensing data"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 12, No. 20, PP.9703-9707
    Publisher: Research India publication
  • Scopus Faculty: K. S. AISWARYA1, N. SANTHI, K. RAMAR
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
    Vol. 15, No. 1, PP.524-540
    Publisher: Taylor's university
  • Scopus Faculty: N. Santhi K.Ramar, Krishnakumar
    Article Title: "An Enhanced Approach for Morphological shape representation and image retrieval"
    Name of the Journal: European Journal of Scientific Research
    Vol. 77, No. 3, PP.339-349
    Publisher: Euro journal publisher
  • SCI Faculty: Ponnarassery Chandran, Sijithra and Santhi
    Article Title: "Case Study on Analyzing the Early Disease Detection of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in Korean Association for Clinical Oncology"
    Name of the Journal: American Journal of Clinical Oncology
    Vol. 47, No. 10, PP.475-484
  • SCI Faculty: Karunakaran, SK; Ramasamy, N; (...); Santhi, N
    Article Title: "Factor analysis of environmental effects in circular closed-loop supply chain network design and modelling under uncertainty in the manufacturing industry"
    Vol. 34, No. 1, PP.e22229
    Publisher: WILEY
  • SCI Faculty: iii. Kumar. S S, Vinod Kumar R. S, Ranjith V G., S. Jeevakala, and S. Sajithra Varun
    Article Title: "Grey Wolf optimized SwinUNet based transformer framework for liver segmentation from CT images’"
    Name of the Journal: Computers and Electrical Engineering
    Vol. 117, No. 109248, PP.ONLINE
    Publisher: SCIENCE DIRECT
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "Power efficient multiply accumulate architectures using modified parallel prefix adders for low power applications"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
    Vol. 16, No. 3, PP.615-623
    Publisher: University of Bahrain
  • SCI Faculty: Ramakrishnan, V (Ramakrishnan, Vinod) ; Ramasamy, N (Ramasamy, Narayanan) ; Anand, MD (Anand, Manoharan Dev) ; Santhi, N (Santhi, Nagarajan)
    Article Title: "Supply Chain Management Efficiency Improvement in the Automobile Industry Using Lean Six Sigma and Artificial Neural Network"
    Vol. 71, No. 1, PP.3278-3294
  • SCI Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "A review analysis of reverse converter based on Rns in signal processing"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
    Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.1686-89
    Publisher: IJIRT Journal - Solaris Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "Design and Analysis of 32-bit Parallel Prefix Adders for Low Power VLSI Applications"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
    Vol. 4, No. 2, PP.106-112
    Publisher: Solaris Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: iv. Bushara A R, Vinod Kumar R. S & Kumar S. S
    Article Title: "The Implications Of Varying Batch-Size in the Classification of Patch based Lung Nodules Using Convolutional Neural Network Architecture on Computed Tomography Images’"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering
    Vol. 10, No. 1, PP.010305-1-9
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "Impact of resistive open faults on inverter chain and 7t sram"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
    Vol. 8, No. 3, PP.559-563
    Publisher: Solaris Publication
  • SCI Faculty: Sijithra, PC; Santhi, N; Ramasamy, N
    Article Title: "A review study on early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using artificial intelligence assisted diagnostic methods"
    Vol. 166, No. 1, PP.110972
  • SCI Faculty: Kumar S. S., and Vinod Kumar R. S.,
    Article Title: "Literature Survey on Deep Learning Methods For Liver Segmentation from CT images: A Comprehensive Review"
    Name of the Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications
    Vol. 83, No. 28, PP.1-30
    Publisher: SPRINGER
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "Low power transposed form 4-tap finite impulse response filter using power e±cient multiply accumulate unit"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Circuits System and Computers
    Vol. 4, No. 2, PP.2250016
    Publisher: Science gate
  • SCI Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "LPOA-DRN Deeplearning based future fusion and optimization enabled deep residual Network forclassification of motor imagery EEG signal"
    Name of the Journal: Signal Image and Video Processing
    Vol. 17, No. 2, PP.1-9
    Publisher: Springer
  • SCI Faculty: Sundaresan, V., Amala Shanthi, S.
    Article Title: "Monozygotic Twin face recognition: An in-depth analysis and plausible improvements"
    Name of the Journal: Image and Vision Computing,
    Vol. 116, No. 116, PP.104331
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • SCI Faculty: Karunakaran, SK (Karunakaran, Sunil Kumar) ; Ramasamy, N (Ramasamy, Narayanan) ; Anand, MD (Anand, Manoharan Dev) ; Santhi, N (Santhi, Nagarajan)
    Vol. 22, No. 2, PP.209-237
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "Optimization based routing model for the dynamic path planning of emergency vehicles"
    Name of the Journal: Evolutionary Intelligence
    Vol. 15, No. 1, PP.1425-1439
    Publisher: springer
  • SCI Faculty: vi. Kishor. R., Vinod Kumar R. S
    Article Title: "CoC-ResNet-Classification of colorectal cancer on histopathologic images using residual networks"
    Name of the Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications
    Vol. 83, No. 19, PP.1-25
    Publisher: SPRINGER
  • Scopus Faculty: Dr K S Vijula Grace
    Article Title: "Design an Efficient Braun Multiplier Using KSA Based CMOS Logics"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE)
    Vol. 10, No. 3, PP.23-27
    Publisher: Elsevier.
  • Scopus Faculty: Beevi, M.F. , Santhi, N. , Ramasamy, N.
    Article Title: "Smart Sight: Intelligent Vision for Stroke Lesion Detection and Classification"
    Name of the Journal: SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 8, PP.98-110
    Publisher: seventh sense research group
  • Scopus Faculty: Ayswer, A.S. , Ramasamy, N. , Anand, M.D. , Santhi, N.
    Article Title: "Analysing the Performance of a Manufacturing Firm Using Hierarchical Approach"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C
    Vol. 105, No. 3, PP.417-426
    Publisher: springer
  • SCI Faculty: vii. Evelin Pregitha R., Vinod Kumar, R.S
    Article Title: "FOE-NET: Segmentation of Fetal in Ultrasound Images using V-NET"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems
    Vol. 14, No. 10, PP.1141-1149
    Publisher: SCIENCE DIRECT
  • Scopus Faculty: Bushara A R, Vinod Kumar R. S & Kumar S. S
    Article Title: "Classification of Benign and Malignancy in Lung Cancer Using Capsule Networks with Dynamic Routing Algorithm on Computed Tomography Images"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology
    Vol. 4, No. 1, PP.40-48
    Publisher: ISTP PRESS
  • Scopus Faculty: Sunil Kumar Karunakaran; Ramasamy Narayanan; (...); Nagarajan Santhi
    Article Title: "Determination of Sustainable Factors in Green Supply Chain Management With the Adoption of Green Logistics in the Manufacturing Industry"
    Name of the Journal: Environmental Claims Journal
    Vol. 35, No. 4, PP.367-387
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis online
  • SCI Faculty: ix. Bushara A. R., and Vinod Kumar R S., S. S. Kumar
    Article Title: "An ensemble method for the detection and classification of lung cancer using Computed Tomography images utilizing a capsule network with Visual Geometry Group"
    Name of the Journal: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
    Vol. 85, No. 104930, PP.ONLINE
    Publisher: SCIENCE DIRECT
  • Scopus Faculty: Harish-Kumar VC and S. Amala-Shanthi
    Article Title: "Novel Incremental Conductive Perturbation Algorithm for Improved Output of MPPT"
    Name of the Journal: Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications
    Vol. 71, No. 3S2 (2022), PP.1663–1682
  • SCI Faculty: Bushara A. R., and Vinod Kumar R S., S S. Kumar
    Article Title: "LCD Capsule Network for the Detection and Classification of Lung Cancer on Computed Tomography Images"
    Name of the Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications
    Vol. 82, No. 24, PP.1-20
    Publisher: SCIENCE DIRECT
  • Scopus Faculty: Bushara A. R., and Vinod Kumar R S
    Article Title: "Deep Learning-based Lung Cancer Classification of CT Images using Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks"
    Name of the Journal: Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis
    Vol. 21, No. 1, PP.130-142
    Publisher: IOP SCIENCE
  • Scopus Faculty: Anitha P. Bose and Santhi N
    Article Title: "Efficient Leakage Reduction Approach for Low Power VLSI Design Using Modified Feedback Sleeper Stack Technique"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 3, PP.1-11
    Publisher: seventh sense research group
  • Scopus Faculty: xiv. Evelin Pregitha R., Vinod Kumar R S., C. and Ebbie Selvakumar
    Article Title: "Segmentation Of Ultrasound Fetal Image Using Spatial Fuzzy C-mean Clustering Method"
    Name of the Journal: Neuro Quantology
    Vol. 20, No. 6, PP.1860-1866
    Publisher: Harward University
  • SCI Faculty: Harish-Kumar VC and Amala-Shanthi S,
    Article Title: " Design and control of PV integrated qZS-CMI system with meta heuristic assisted artificial neural network "
    Name of the Journal: Advances in Engineering Software,
    Vol. 173, No. C, PP.103231
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • Scopus Faculty: Bose, A.P. , Santhi, N.
    Article Title: "Efficient Leakage Reduction Approach for Low Power VLSI Design Using Modified Feedback Sleeper Stack Technique"
    Name of the Journal: SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 3, PP.1-11
    Publisher: seventh sense research group
  • Scopus Faculty: Thushara Hameed, , Amala Shanthi, S.
    Article Title: "A novel teeth segmentation on three?dimensional dental model using adaptive enhanced googlenet classifier"
    Name of the Journal: Multimedia tools and applications
    Vol. 83:, No. 83, PP.68547–68568
    Publisher: Springer
  • Others Faculty: Raja Kumar B R., Amala Shanthi, S.
    Article Title: "Deep insights on processing strata, features and detectors for fingerprint and iris liveness detection techniques"
    Name of the Journal: Multimedia tools and applications
    Vol. 83, No. 83, PP.63795--6386
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Jebaraj, S.T.A. , Ramasamy, N. , Anand, M.D. , Santhi, N.
    Article Title: "Parametric analysis of non-linear suspension system by optimal MR damper by rider model with sensor"
    Name of the Journal: Asian journal of Civil Engineering
    Vol. 25, No. 2, PP.1413-1425
    Publisher: Springer
  • Scopus Faculty: Reshma V. K., Vinod Kumar R. S., Shahi D., Shyjith M B
    Article Title: "Chicken-Moth Search Optimization-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Image Steganography"
    Name of the Journal: Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
    Vol. 21, No. 2, PP.217–232
    Publisher: Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
  • Scopus Faculty: Shahi.D., and Vinod Kumar. R. S and Reshma V. K
    Article Title: "High Capacity Reversible Steganography on CMY and HSI Color Images Using Image Interpolation"
    Name of the Journal: Webology
    Vol. 18, No. SPECIAL ISSUE, PP.133-148
    Publisher: Webology Center
  • Scopus Faculty: Reshma, V. K., Vinod Kumar, R. S., Shahi, D., Shyjith M.B
    Article Title: "Optimized Support Vector Neural Network and Contourlet Transform for Image Steganography"
    Name of the Journal: Evolutionary Intelligence
    Vol. 15, No. SPECIAL ISSUE, PP.1295–1311
    Publisher: SPRINGER
  • Scopus Faculty: Bhagyashri Devi., and Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "An Innovative Facial Emotion Recognition Model Enabled by Optimal Feature Selection Using Firefly Plus Jaya Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research
    Vol. 13, No. 3, PP.1-26
    Publisher: IGI Global
  • Scopus Faculty: Bhagyashri Devi, and Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "Impact of Self Adaptive-Elephant Herding Optimization Towards Neural Network for Facial Emotion Recognition"
    Name of the Journal: Web intelligence
    Vol. 20, No. 1, PP.67-81
    Publisher: IOS Press
  • Scopus Faculty: Bhagyashri Devi, and Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "A Descriptive Survey on Face Emotion Recognition Techniques"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Image and Graphics
    Vol. 23, No. 1, PP.67-81
    Publisher: World Scientific
  • SCI Faculty: Bhagyashri Devi, and Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha
    Article Title: "Facial Emotion Recognition Using Convulational Neural Network Based Krill Head Optimization"
    Name of the Journal: Expert Systems
    Vol. 23, No. 1, PP.1-14
    Publisher: Wiley
  • Scopus Faculty: P. Careena, M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha & P. Arun
    Article Title: "Statistically significant feature-based heart murmur detection and classification using spectrogram image comparison of phonocardiogram records with machine learning techniques"
    Name of the Journal: Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Vol. 1, No. 3, PP.1-16
    Publisher: Taylor and Francis
  • Others Faculty: J. Rajeesh, Moni R.S., S Palanikumar ,T. Gopalakrishnan
    Article Title: "Knowledge Based Automatic Segmentation of Hippocampus in Wave Atom Processed MRI"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research
    Vol. 2, No. 3, PP.409 - 418
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • Others Faculty: J. Rajeesh, Moni R.S., S Palanikumar ,T. Gopalakrishnan
    Article Title: "Noise Reduction in Magnetic Resonance Images using Wave Atom Shrinkage"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Image Processing
    Vol. 4, No. 2, PP.131 - 141
    Publisher: CSC Journals
  • Dr. Vinod Kumar R S, Intellectual Property INDIA, "", LUNG CANCER TESTING DEVICE
  • Dr. Vinod Kumar R S, Intellectual Property INDIA, "", AGRICULTURE ROBORT
  • Dr. Gopalakrishnan. T., Intellectual Property INDIA, "", LUNG CANCER TESTING DEVICE
  • Dr. Vijula Grace. K.S, IPR, "", IOT Based Walking Stick for Visually Impaired People
  • Dr. Vijula Grace. K.S, IPR, "", Device for Detecting Diseased Leaves in Plant by Image Processing
  • Dr. Amala Shanthi S, Govt. of Inia, "", IOT based walking Stick for visually impaired people
  • Dr. Santhi N, IPR-Innovation Patent, "", AI Based 3D PRINTING DEVICE
  • Dr. Santhi N, IPR-Innovation Patent, "", IoT Based Walking Stick for Visually Impaired People
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