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Computer Applications

About Computer Applications

Journal Publications & Patents

  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Jaana Shermee. M. A
    Article Title: "Design and Implementation of Cluster Based Certificate Revocation for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks "
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 8, No. Special Issue - V, PP.55-60
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Delphin Jebakani. D
    Article Title: "Integration of Secure Data Transmission using Multicast Routing Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 8, No. Special Issue - V, PP.72-75
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Geetha. R
    Article Title: "Privacy in Online Social Networks using Ranking based Factorization Model"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 8, No. Special Issue - V, PP.117-120
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Hannah Nirubha. R
    Article Title: "Denial of Service attacks in Bloom-Filter-Based Forwarding"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 10, No. Special Issue - I, PP.36-40
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Leni DevaDhas
    Article Title: "Heuristic client assignment algorithms for Distributed Interactive Applications (DIAS)"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 10, No. Special Issue - I, PP.41-44
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Mary Abilasha. X
    Article Title: "Secure Provenance Transmission for Streaming Data"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 10, No. Special Issue - I, PP.45-49
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Pradeepa. C
    Article Title: "Secure data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption Tolerant Military Network"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 10, No. Special Issue - I, PP.53-58
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Vincy. E
    Article Title: "Hole detection and Healing using modified sensor deployment algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.50-54
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Lakshmi. S. P
    Article Title: "Efficient communication in underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.61-66
    Publisher: NICHE
  • Others Faculty: Merlin Johnsy. M, Mary Asmi. A
    Article Title: "HLA-Based public auditing architecture for truthful detection of packet dropping attacks in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 12, No. 2, PP.67-70
    Publisher: NICHE
  • UGC Faculty: J.R.Jeba, Dr.S.P.Victor
    Article Title: "A Novel approach for finding Frequent Item Sets with Hybrid strategies"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal Of Computer Applications
    Vol. 17, No. 5, PP.30-33
    Publisher: International Journal Of Computer Applications
  • UGC Faculty: J.R.Jeba, Dr.S.P.Victor
    Article Title: "Comparison of Frequent item set Mining Algorithms"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
    Vol. 2, No. 6, PP.2838-2841
    Publisher: International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
  • UGC Faculty: J.R.Jeba, Dr.S.P.Victor
    Article Title: "Effective Measures in Association Rule Mining"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
    Vol. 3, No. 8, PP.
    Publisher: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
  • Scopus Faculty: D.S.Misbha J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Scheduling Effective Cloud Updates in Streaming Data Warehouses using RECSS Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 11, No. 5, PP.3632-3636
  • UGC Faculty: J.R.Jeba D.S.Misbha
    Article Title: "A Study of Data Warehousing on Cloud Environment"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
    Vol. 5, No. 7, PP.13697-13702
  • UGC Faculty: D.S.Misbha J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Comparison of RECSS Algorithm with EARH and NMEARH"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
    Vol. 10, No. 27, PP.83-90
    Publisher: Serials Publications
  • UGC Faculty: D.S.Misbha J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A Survey on Optimal Job Scheduling Algorithms for Data mining in Cloud Environment"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research and Application
    Vol. 7, No. 27, PP.60-65
  • Scopus Faculty: Jincymol Joseph, Dr.J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Survey on Web content Extraction"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 11, No. 7, PP.5338-5341
    Publisher: Research India Publications
  • UGC Faculty: Cincy W.C J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Survey on Query optimization for Declarative Crowdsourcing Systems"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
    Vol. 10, No. 27, PP.77-82
    Publisher: Serials Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: Cincy W.C J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A Method of A-BAT Algorithm Based Query Optimization for Crowd Sourcing System"
    Name of the Journal: I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications
    Vol. 10, No. 3, PP.33--40
    Publisher: MECS Press
  • Scopus Faculty: Cincy W.C J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis of Novel Hybrid A-BAT Algorithm in Crowdsourcing Environment"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
    Vol. 12, No. 24, PP.14964-14969
    Publisher: Research India Publications.
  • UGC Faculty: Josemila Baby J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Survey Paper on Various Hybrid and Anomaly based Network Intrusion Detection System"
    Name of the Journal: Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.304-310
    Publisher: Medwell Journals
  • UGC Faculty: D.S.Misbha J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Performance Evaluation of Proposed Algorithm in Real Time Streaming Warehouses"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Vol. 14, No. 5, PP.1669-1705
    Publisher: Medwell Journals
  • Scopus Faculty: Cincy W.C J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A novel meta heuristic based query optimization technique On Crowd sourcing environment using a-fly algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 9, No. 14, PP.2583-2585
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: D.S.Misbha J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "An Improved and User-Friendly Scheduling Approach in Streaming Data Warehouses"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 9, PP.1132-1136
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • Scopus Faculty: D.S.Misbha J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Comparison of RECSS algorithm with EARH and Cuckoo Search Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 9, PP.1137-1144
    Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  • UGC Faculty: MuthuMeena K J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Three Step Verification Systems using Extremely Protected by Social Networking"
    Name of the Journal: International Research Journal of Computer Science
    Vol. 5, No. 7, PP.406-417
  • Scopus Faculty: JincyMol Joseph J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Noise Reduction using Character Density Approach"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
    Vol. 8, No. 2S, PP.426-428
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: Praveen K Wilson J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Anaphora Resolution Using ThemeSets"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
    Vol. 8, No. 10, PP.2837-2842
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • UGC Faculty: Praveen K Wilson J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A Review on Approaches for Information Extraction from Multiple Documents"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal for Research in Engineering Applications & Management
    Vol. 4, No. 5, PP.
  • Scopus Faculty: JincyMol Joseph Dr.J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Information Extraction Using Tokenization And Clustering Methods "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
    Vol. 8, No. 4, PP.3690-3692
    Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • Scopus Faculty: JincyMol Joseph , Dr.J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Semantic Similarity Approach For Paraphrase identification And Information Summarization"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
    Vol. 29, No. 11, PP.2976-2981
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • Scopus Faculty: A.C.Subajini,Tiruvenkadam Santhanam
    Article Title: "An Efficient Weather Forecasting System using Radial Basis Function Neural Network"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Computer Science
    Vol. 7, No. 7, PP.962-966
    Publisher: Science Publication
  • Others Faculty: AC Subhajini, V Joseph Raj
    Article Title: "Computational Analysis of Optical Neural Network Models to Weather Forecasting"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computer Science Issues
    Vol. 7, No. 5, PP.327-330
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: AC Subhajini, T Santhanam
    Article Title: "Fuzzy artmap neural network architecture for weather forecasting"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
    Vol. 34, No. -, PP.22-28
    Publisher: Little Lion Scientific
  • Scopus Faculty: T Santhanam, AC Subhajini
    Article Title: "Computational Performance of GRNN in Weather Forecasting"
    Name of the Journal: Asian Journal of Information Technology
    Vol. 10, No. -, PP.165-169
    Publisher: Medwell Journals
  • Others Faculty: AP Shameer, AC Subhajini
    Article Title: "Study on Different Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
    Vol. 6, No. 5, PP.895-900
    Publisher: -
  • Scopus Faculty: AP Shameer, AC Subhajini
    Article Title: "Throughput maximization on efficient load balancing in cloud task scheduling using enhanced bee colony algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (CTCEEC)
    Vol. -, No. -, PP. 294-298
    Publisher: IEEE
  • Scopus Faculty: AP Shameer, AC Subhajini
    Article Title: "Optimization Task Scheduling Techniques on Load Balancing in Cloud Using Intelligent Bee Colony Algorithm"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    Vol. 116, No. 22, PP.341-352
    Publisher: Academic Publications Ltd.
  • Scopus Faculty: RI Heaven Rose, AC Subhajini
    Article Title: "Multiple class-association rules for content based image retrieval with efficiency"
    Name of the Journal: Int J Pure Appl Math
    Vol. 116, No. -, PP.375-385
    Publisher: Academic Publications Ltd.
  • UGC Faculty: Praveen K Wilson, J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "An efficient Methodology For Sentence Reordering Using Themesets"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)
    Vol. 11, No. 6, PP.705-713
    Publisher: iame
  • Scopus Faculty: Josemila Baby , J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A hybrid approach for intrusion detection using integrated K-Means based ANN with PSO optimization"
    Name of the Journal: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems
    Vol. 5, No. 3, PP.317-323
    Publisher: ASTES Publishers
  • UGC Faculty: B.Abisha ,J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Secure Dominance Protocol Over Encrypted Data In Cloud"
    Name of the Journal: Dogo Rangsang Research Journal
    Vol. 10, No. 7, PP.15-20
    Publisher: SHK - Dogo Rangsang Research Journal
  • Scopus Faculty: Josemila Baby, J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Mining of Network Data for Intrusion Detection Using Multi-Dimensional Hierarchical K Means Clustering Employed with Hybrid ABC-DT"
    Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 4, PP.
    Publisher: ENGG Journals Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: Josemila Baby, J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Novel Trust Based Ranking for Intrusion detection and Security Using Deep Learning"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
    Vol. 8, No. 8, PP.
    Publisher: The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
  • Scopus Faculty: Praveen K Wilson J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Combinational Semantic Approach for Efficient Data Extraction from Multiple Documents"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
    Vol. 9, No. 4, PP.
    Publisher: The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
  • Scopus Faculty: Josemila Baby, J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis of optimal Cluster Selection and intrusion detection by hierarchical K-means Clustering with hybrid ABC-DT"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of pervasive Computing and Communications
    Vol. 17, No. 1, PP.49-63
    Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
  • Scopus Faculty: Beulah.S, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan
    Article Title: "An optimal method for duplication detection and elimination from air "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
    Vol. 21, No. 2, PP.172 - 183
    Publisher: Inderscience Publishers (IEL)
  • Scopus Faculty: Beulah.S, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan
    Article Title: "Comparative Study of De-Duplication Methods for Sensor Data in Cloud Storage"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
    Vol. 15, No. 6, PP.2179-2183
    Publisher: American Scientific Publishers
  • SCI Faculty: Beulah.S, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan
    Article Title: "Detection of duplicated data with minimum overhead and secure data transmission for sensor big data"
    Name of the Journal: Cluster Computing
    Vol. 22, No. 5, PP.10467–10479
    Publisher: Springer US
  • Others Faculty: Beulah.S, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan
    Article Title: "Survey on security issues and existing solutions in cloud storage"
    Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Science and Technology
    Vol. 9, No. 13, PP.1-8
    Publisher: Indian Society for Education and Environment
  • Scopus Faculty: Joseph Jeorge, M.K. Jeyakumar
    Article Title: "Foundation steps for a well-defined clinical business intelligence system-an analysis of data warehouse approaches with respect to healthcare data"
    Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 3, PP.
    Publisher: Engineering Journal Publications
  • Scopus Faculty: Selvalakshmi, M., Jeyakumar, M.K.
    Article Title: "Enhanced Cluster Head Selection Approach for small scale and large scale network in WSN for improving energy efficiency "
    Name of the Journal: SSRG International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology
    Vol. 68, No. 2, PP.
  • Others Faculty: Joseph Jeorge, M.K. Jeyakumar
    Article Title: "A dimensional data model for healthcare revenue cycle analytics and business intelligence "
    Name of the Journal: International Journal on Emerging Technologies
    Vol. 3, No. 5, PP.
    Publisher: Research Trend
  • Others Faculty: S.Iswarya , M.K. Jeyakumar
    Article Title: "Efficient Secure Data Control Access Using Multiple Mobile Device Of Cloud Computing Server Based Healthcare Application"
    Name of the Journal: Dogo Rangsang Research Journal
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.
  • Scopus Faculty: V.G.Ranjith, M.K.Jeyakumar
    Article Title: "Color-texture based feature modeling for content-based video retrieval"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 11, No. 4, PP.
    Publisher: Seventh Sense Research Group
  • Scopus Faculty: Arun B. Mathews, M.K. Jeyakumar
    Article Title: "Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Based Classifiers for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer & Comparison"
    Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
    Vol. 9, No. 12, PP.
    Publisher: Institute of Medico-Legal Publications
  • SCI Faculty: M. Chithambarathanu and Dr.M.K.Jeyakumar
    Article Title: "Crop disease detection via ensembled-deep-learning paradigm and ABC Coyote pack optimization algorithm (ABC-CPOA)"
    Name of the Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications
    Vol. , No. , PP.
    Publisher: Springer
  • SCI Faculty: Praveen K Wilson J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A developed framework for multi-document summarization using softmax regression and spider monkey optimization methods"
    Name of the Journal: Soft Computing
    Vol. 26, No. 7, PP.3313-3328
    Publisher: Springer
  • UGC Faculty: Neethu John Dr.J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A Study On Sequence Mining Algorithms In Data Related To Emm And Markov Process"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal Of Novel Research And Development
    Vol. 8, No. 10, PP.268-272
    Publisher: IJNRD
  • UGC Faculty: Shyni A L, Dr.J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "The impact of Data Mining Classification techniques on the diagnosis of Liver Disease"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal Of Novel Research And Development
    Vol. 8, No. 9, PP.555-563
    Publisher: IJNRD
  • SCI Faculty: Roshy Thomas, J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "A Novel framework for an intelligent deep learning based product recommendation system using sentiment Analysis (SA)"
    Name of the Journal: Automatika Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications
    Vol. 65, No. 2, PP.410-424
    Publisher: tandfonline
  • Scopus Faculty: Sajitha, A.V., and Subhajini, A.C
    Article Title: "ECGCD:A Computational approach of the Designing and Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability in Green Data Centres using DynamicVM Consolidation"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 9, No. 8, PP.48-57
    Publisher: SPC
  • Scopus Faculty: Sajitha, A.V., and Subhajini, A.C
    Article Title: "Dynamic VM Consolidation Enhancement for Designing and Evaluation of Energy Efficiency in Green Data Centers Using Regression Analysis"
    Name of the Journal: l International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology
    Vol. 7, No. 3, PP.179-186
    Publisher: SPC
  • Scopus Faculty: Divya R.Unnithan, and Jeba, J. R.
    Article Title: "Enhancing Telehealth: Multiple Disease Prediction through Ensemble Approach"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.3170-3182
    Publisher: IJISAE
  • Scopus Faculty: Veena V.G and J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Unveiling the Future of Signature Verification: Deep Learning Insights"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal Of “Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering”
    Vol. 12, No. 3, PP.2721–2731
    Publisher: IJISAE
  • Scopus Faculty: Sajitha, A.V., and Subhajini, A.C
    Article Title: "Network-Aware VM Migration for Achieving Energy Efficient Green Data Centres through Dynamic VM Consolidation"
    Name of the Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    Vol. 10, No. 8, PP.361-375
    Publisher: SPC
  • Scopus Faculty: Roshy Thomas1 , J. R. Jeba2
    Article Title: "Revolutionizing E-Commerce: A Deep Learning-Based Sentiment-Driven Recommendation System "
    Name of the Journal: SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Vol. 11, No. 8, PP.111-122
    Publisher: SSRG
  • UGC Faculty: Sajitha, A.V., and Subhajini, A.C
    Article Title: "Energy Efficient Green Cloud Data Centres Using Dynamic VM Placement: A Survey"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
    Vol. 53, No. 1, PP.32-40
    Publisher: SSRG
  • UGC Faculty: Sajitha, A.V., and Subhajini, A.C
    Article Title: "Network-Aware Dynamic VM Placement for Achieving Energy Efficient Greeny Data Centres: A Review"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications
    Vol. 7, No. 12, PP.665-675
    Publisher: SSR
  • UGC Faculty: Sajitha, A.V., and Subhajini, A.C
    Article Title: "Analysis of CloudSim Toolkit for Implementing Energy Efficient Green Cloud Data Centres"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering
    Vol. 6, No. 4, PP.4614-4623
    Publisher: SSN
  • Others Faculty: Sajitha, A.V., and Subhajini, A.C
    Article Title: "Service Level Agreement(SLA) for Cloud Computing for Ensuring Energy Efficiency in Green Data Centres: An Analysis"
    Name of the Journal: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
    Vol. 6, No. 2, PP.602-612
    Publisher: SSN
  • Scopus Faculty: Badugu Renjith Kumar, Dr.M.Victor Jose, Dr.J.R.Jeba
    Article Title: "Schnorr Multi-Signatures with Key Aggregation for Privacy and Verifiable Randomness in Blockchain Cloud  "
    Name of the Journal: 2024 International Conference on E-mobility, Power Control and Smart Systems (ICEMPS)
    Vol. 979-8-3503-9439-9/24, No. , PP.
    Publisher: IEEE
  • Mrs. Merlin Johnsy M, Design Office, Kolkata, Controller General of Patents, Designa and Tragemarks, "", DEVICE FOR DETECTING DISEASED LEAVES IN PLANT BY IMAGE PROCESSING
  • Dr. Beulah S, Design Office, Kolkata, Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, "", DEVICE FOR DETECTING DISEASED LEAVES IN PLANT BY IMAGE PROCESSING
  • Dr. Jeba J R, Intellectual Property India , "", Device for Detecting Diseased Leaves in Plant by Image Processing
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